Careers>> We are hiring
Be a part of our mission
Royal India Corporation Ltd. has always been a people driven organization and considers its strong team of personnel across the world as its backbone. We provide a vibrant and nurturing environment allowing employees freedom to perform at optimum level as we believe that only through expertise empowered can the company truly grow. Employees are selected on the basis of merit and belong to diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise and education. Seminars are provided to help update technology and competence levels . Our team works in synergy complementing each others strengths and supplementing weaknesses for optimum output. The company’s attrition rates are low . Loyalty, special achievements and hardwork are recognized and rewarded .
Our Motto – Together Nothing is Impossible

New Openings: Royal India Corporation welcomes fresh talent and special skills in its various business areas. If you believe you can make a significant contribution and are looking to be part of a company where accelerated growth together with setting benchmarks is a commitment …send us your detailed CV and photograph.
Specific openings will be posted on this page as and when they arise. For exploring working opportunities Royal India Corporation Ltd. , You can send your resumes at
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